Home Décor

Bring the spirit of KOAN to your home.

Bring your favorite works of KOAN art into your home

All images are available on multiple products, but we’ve gathered some that we think show them off especially well. Each can be further customized before purchase.

Ride the Wave – Be Throw Pillow

Being is becoming. The surest way to ride the wave is to become the wave.

Star Meditating Throw Pillow

Star seeking inspiration tries meditation. The inevitable result? Revelation!

Flower of Imagination Throw Pillow

Mind flower blooming in the starlight. A moment of revelation. The three stars to signify the three previous lifetime spent cultivating the interior wherewithal to accomodate this bloom.

Parenting the Cosmos Fleece Blanket

The child is the mother to the woman. Before we were, we were. All we are, we are.

Be Cloud Fleece Blanket

All the waters of the world rise upward, in evaporation, as do all the joys in the world.

Kan at their Best Fleece Blanket

Kan has acquired a sufficient number of skills and attributes and their passage could be called an unqualified success.

By Dint of Will Shower Curtain

It takes willpower to generate a psychic transition. The willpower must be trained. If the willpower is trained, the transformations generally follow.

Futuristic Schemas Shower Curtain

Art of the unconscious rising, with its arcana, to the surface of the mind.

Play of Light Shower Curtain

The light lay upon the water — ’tis a carnal sin’ — I heard someone say. The light upon the water lies — captured, caught up, in a wild surmise.

Small Sage Coffee Mug

No sage is small. Every sage is as large as their soul is large. This sage fits neatly into one’s pocket. A soothing stone. A talisman.

Our Talents Are Our Demons Coffee Mug

The artist must stay calm, that keeps the demons calm. A calm demon has the opportunity to rethink it’s psychic position. Some becalmed demons become angels. And are better angels for having had their previous experiences.

Be Happy Coffee Mug

The foundation of fully engaged Being, in the realization of joy. Be’s watermark.